Friday, December 5, 2008

And the hours tick slowly by as I wait for my KnitPicks package to arrive...
In it: two skeins of Shimmer Hand Dyed Lace Yarn in Galaxy (the purple), one skein of Gloss Sock Yarn in Cocoa.
The Galaxy is for Mother's lace scarf.  I am planning on using a pattern from Knitting Little Luxuries, haven't decided on which, yet.  Daddy will be given a pair of socks, which I plan to spice up with some red sck yarn I have left over from who knows when  - a year ago? this summer?  I need to get started on both projects.. But first I need that dang yarn to arrive!
Last night my close friends and I exchanged Christmas gifts.  I know it's early, but we were all so very excited about what we'd purchased for each other, we couldn't wait!  I received a NAP blanket from Brooks Brothers (if you haven't touched them, shame on you.  Go to your nearest brooks brothers store. NOW! haha), a pair of scandalous underwear from Victoria's Secret, a beautiful scarf and two knitting books (both of which I love).  More about those below.  First, some pictures!

These were taken in the boys' apartment on campus.  This is Chris (left), Kate and Jeff, opening the gifts I got for them.  They each received a hand-written note, a mix CD with songs I thought they'd like and that reminded me of them and a Christmas ornament reflective of their personalities.  They were enthralled (much to my satisfaction) and I succeeded in spending a small amount but still communicating a lot of love with it!

They made me open ALL my gifts next, because theirs were so perfect.  It was quite a fun time!  Above you see me trying to hide the underwear.

This picture showcases most of my gifts.  I'm holding one of the amazing books, the other is tucked in the corner of you couch and you see my blanket on my lap (VS bag not yet opened, see above).  I LOVED them all!!!  I'm surprised Jeff looks so interested in the knitting book!

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