Saturday, December 27, 2008

Now what?!

Now what do I knit?  I've done nothing but holiday scarves for weeks.  It's all done and I need a new project.
I have plenty of Silk Garden left over from Dad's, a whole skein of plain black-and-gray wool I could use...  Perhaps it's time to make some mittens.  I cast on for a pair several weeks ago with a silk garden blend that I've come to think of as a little ugly.
Problem solved.
I'm off to tear out a pair of ugly half-mittens!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Weather: 44 and sunny.
Location: Home, kitchen, listening to others playing with their gifts (mostly noisy things like a keyboard and speakers)
Mood:  Ecstatic!

Christmas day dawned bright, but the black curtains in my room left me in blissful darkness until my alarm woke me promptly at 9.  Believe it or not, I hit snooze three times.  I suppose Christmas becomes calmer over time.  Gone are the days I would jump out of bed enthusiastically.  Now I look forward to giving gifts as much as receiving them.
A hand-knit scarf was my gift to both parents and my little brother.  I bought jewelry for my sister, who is a knitter herself and understands why the effort put into the others prevented her from being given a hand-made.  Robert (brother) literally gasped when he opened the box and saw his scarf.  He loved the colors and cable and how soft it is.  My Mom was very touched at the Waves of Grain scarf I made for her.  She's seen me laboring over it for a week, knitting every spare moment, inch slowly following inch.  I fumbled the grafting in the middle and one of the ends, but it's all so small, you can't really tell.  She loved it.  I surprised Daddy with a Noro Silk Garden and a plain gray/black wool stripe scarf.  The Noro is a series of bright, masculine colors (greens, red, brown, blues, even white).  It is simple and smooth enough to match even his most formal coat and shirt and ties.

I feel loved.  Nearly everything on my list was given to me, and a few surprises, too!  More than that, I've spent so many hours with my family and I get homesick just thinking about the return to school.

There's so much to look forward to.  Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Two Things You Must See Burger King Cologne (hint of flame-broiled meat) Free radio, perfect for Christmas music! Create an account - it's free and quick - then start listening to music.  Give songs thumbs-up if you like them, down if you don't so you hear more of what you enjoy and less of what you don't!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

What is the slowest thing you can think of?

Mother's scarf knits slowly... Slowly like the tractor down Three Springs Road when you cannot pass.  Slowly like Robert and Melanie when it's time to do chores.  Slowly like the clock turns when the house is ready and you're waiting on the beloved friends to finally get here.  Slowly like the time it takes for the water to finally boil so that you can pour it into the press and make coffee.  It can't come quick enough, and quickly it is not coming.  I trudge on.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Current Location:  Home for the Holidays in Bowling Green, KY.

Temperature Outside: Cold and humid = miserable

Past week: Finished exams and did horridly on all of them, am petrified to see results. Avoiding Belmont-related web pages because of it.  Spent a night at Opryland (I know... again?!) Ate out twice a day or more every day this week, shopped a lot but none of it was Christmas shopping. Received pair of very high heels, beautiful brown and gold and khaki heels.  Did not knit enough and am trying to knit behind mother's back (hard to do because she tends to flitter around a lot and pops up all over the place).

Quote for week:  "I'm going to marry you. Let's get married tomorrow." - my friend, a bit intoxicated, to me, who is always sober.

Mood:  Peaceful, missing people, but I know such feelings will pass and two days from now I won't be able to picture life differently.

Tonight: Youth Group is coming over for annual Christmas party.  Mom is worried cause Daddy is still out of town, but I'm here to help.  Little sister's two best friends are staying over, so we'll all be up late.

Knitting:  Have finished first two charts of Waves of Grain, am now repeating two rows until desired half-way length, then shall do it all over again.  In other words, SLOW!  Not good, considering what is left to be done in the next.... 7 days.  That's right. 7 days. *panic*

To do: Buy Silk Garden for Daddy's scarf!  I was going to knit him some socks but this scarf will be faster, easier, and more useful for him.  Problem is, I haven't bought the yarn, yet... Let alone started!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Pedicure + No Sleep = Recipe for lethargy.

Mom bought me an adorable little cocktail dress, chocolate brown with gold zippers.
Took a huge exam, not sure how I did...
Had dinner/snack with my sister, brother, Trev, Jeff and Mom. Love those people.
Got a pedicure!

After much thought and discussion with Dad, the decision was made not to buy a yarn store.  I am, after all, only halfway through my sophomore year of college.  I'm not exactly ready to live on my own, yet! Let alone work full time and be responsible for a  business.

The past week has been so much fun!  I've spent the majority of my time with my closest friends, done lots of shopping and gotten very little sleep.  I took my first final today and have a second tomorrow, another two on Monday.  Looking forward to the weekend!

Mother's scarf has been cast on and is 8 rows in!  As you know, I'm using Shimmer Galaxy, a laceweight yarn from knitpicks (it finally arrived Monday).  I bought beads and have chosen the Waves of Grain pattern from  It's going to be absolutely beautiful with the jewel-toned beads and subtle color changes in the yarn.  I am so very excited about this!

Well, I have two papers to revise and then I'm hitting the hay before midnight for the first time in days and days.

Wishing you all the best this Holiday Season,

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A good plan, violently executed.

Patton once said, "A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week."

I am at home in Bowling Green for at least another couple hours.  The past few days were sort of mind-blowing.
First I found out - through a email list that I just signed up for - that a local yarn store is closing.  Sad, but no big deal, there are three others...
Except, this was the very store that I wanted to start going to every week next semester and eventually buy/take over when I graduated.  It's in an excellent part of town and has been around for 14 years.  They have a rep with yarn wholesellers and the local yarn arts community.  In the email is a little note saying the shop is "still currently available... should one (or some) of you decide that is a viable (albeit last minute) option."
I switched to an entrepreneurship major because I want to own my own business.
The business I want to own is a yarn store.
Well, it's not that simple, of course.  Owning a business is no joke and I'm 19 years old.  I've been in conversation with the women who currently own the store and they're asking $100,000.  Daddy, a little help, please?
You only live once.  It would be cheaper to obtain a yarn store that already has a reputation with locals and wholesellers and a great location than opening one from scratch two and a half years from now.
But am I ready to move out?  I mean, I'd quit school and get an apartment.  Who knows when I'd next have a vacation?  I wouldn't be home for the summer or new years, probably would only come home for a day for Christmas...  That scares me to death and makes me feel ill, but I love people and I love knitting...
I also don't have a lot of knitting experience under my belt.  I mean, I've been at the needles for less than 5 years and haven't so much as felted an item, tried fair isle, or knit more than one cardigan.  Not too encouraging when it comes to teaching and answering questions when people come in with problems.
I can't know for sure that the women who own it now would be willing to stick around and help me out.  I'm sure they'd love to teach me a few things, but I can't take over all of their classes and such, not without breaking my back learning the techniques myself first.
I'll pick up their financial statements of the last 4-5 years tomorrow.  We'll see what it looks like and go from there.
Dive in head first, right?

Friday, December 5, 2008

And the hours tick slowly by as I wait for my KnitPicks package to arrive...
In it: two skeins of Shimmer Hand Dyed Lace Yarn in Galaxy (the purple), one skein of Gloss Sock Yarn in Cocoa.
The Galaxy is for Mother's lace scarf.  I am planning on using a pattern from Knitting Little Luxuries, haven't decided on which, yet.  Daddy will be given a pair of socks, which I plan to spice up with some red sck yarn I have left over from who knows when  - a year ago? this summer?  I need to get started on both projects.. But first I need that dang yarn to arrive!
Last night my close friends and I exchanged Christmas gifts.  I know it's early, but we were all so very excited about what we'd purchased for each other, we couldn't wait!  I received a NAP blanket from Brooks Brothers (if you haven't touched them, shame on you.  Go to your nearest brooks brothers store. NOW! haha), a pair of scandalous underwear from Victoria's Secret, a beautiful scarf and two knitting books (both of which I love).  More about those below.  First, some pictures!

These were taken in the boys' apartment on campus.  This is Chris (left), Kate and Jeff, opening the gifts I got for them.  They each received a hand-written note, a mix CD with songs I thought they'd like and that reminded me of them and a Christmas ornament reflective of their personalities.  They were enthralled (much to my satisfaction) and I succeeded in spending a small amount but still communicating a lot of love with it!

They made me open ALL my gifts next, because theirs were so perfect.  It was quite a fun time!  Above you see me trying to hide the underwear.

This picture showcases most of my gifts.  I'm holding one of the amazing books, the other is tucked in the corner of you couch and you see my blanket on my lap (VS bag not yet opened, see above).  I LOVED them all!!!  I'm surprised Jeff looks so interested in the knitting book!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Pictures at Last!

Urchin Beret, in Lions Brand wool (couldn't find a real yarn store!)  A big thank you to Melanie for modeling even though she wasn't wearing makeup that day!

Charlotte Purse from Knitting Little Luxuries by Louisa Harding, knit in Merino with flowers and stem made of bamboo, mohair and alpaca.

By the way, I am in love with Etsy!!!  The whole site is so inspiring and creative.  I highly recommend that you click on "buy"and then try some of the fun ways to shop - especially "shop by color!"  It's wonderful!!!

It's funny, but I'm watching A Christmas Story (it's on TNT), and right after they buy the tree, "Mom" is wearing what looks like the Grown Up Bonnet from Knit 2 Together.  It's a scarf with a bonnet on it!  Very cool.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

People with many interests live, not only longest, but happiest.

People with many interests live, not only longest, but happiest.
George Matthew Allen

Yesterday's adventure: cooked a Derby Pie. It is delicious.

Knitting Update: Finished a small bag last week - including embroidered stem and knit flowers, I-cord drawstring. It's beautiful, will add pictures soon as internet is returned to my room. Also knit a beret on the ride home, which I gave to a friend because my hair is anti-hats. Went internet shopping and bought yarn for mother's christmas present (a beautiful lace scarf in royal purple) and sock yarn (for self, I hope). I can't wait for the shipment to arrive!

Weather in Nashville Today: Sunny and 46 degrees. It snowed a lot yesterday but none of it stuck :'(. It's pretty out today, though!

Today I feel: like taking a nap, eating green food, relaxed.

Upcoming Events: exams! Next week will begin Hell Week 2 of this semester. But it will all be over soon.

Recent Disappointment: men. ARGH! But I'm over it.